Pre-Recorded Childbirth Class Coming Soon!
Hi! I have some exciting news to share on this cold, wintery day here in Boston. I am currently working on creating a recorded childbirth education class. This will be released as a self-paced course that consists of and introduction video and 11 learning modules. While taking a live class, and especially an in-person live class, is preferable in my opinion, it is not always possible. My hope with creating this recorded course is that this will be a quality alternative for those who are not able to take a live class. Some advantages of taking a pre-recorded course include the following:
- You can take it on your own schedule! Unable to attend a birth class locally due to inconvenient time options? Fear not! A recorded class might be for you.
- It's in bite-size, digestible pieces! Rather than record a full-length course, I have broken down the recordings into 11 different modules, each covering a subset of topics related to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This way, you can learn a little at a time, and easily go back to reference a certain topic if you forget what was taught in it or need a refresher. Sometimes it's overwhelming to take a course that is long and contains so much new information. This format of learning allows you to take the course at your own pace and learn smaller bits of information at a time.
- It includes a printable PDF and editable document of the slides with space for note taking.
- Just like my live classes, the recorded course emphasizes shared decision-making and being an active participant in labor. We go over tools for bridging the communication gap between provider and patient. The goal is empowerment and confidence, putting labor in a positive light and providing ideas for support during the labor process to ensure not only safe and healthy outcomes, but also a satisfying birth experience.
I hope you'll check it out once this project is complete. I'll be sure to share it here when the final product becomes available to the public. In the meantime, have a great day and happy birthing to all!